Card Programs

Take your program
from code to card

Build a customized card program that fits your stage. With a dedicated BIN and the choice of issuing processors, you maintain control.

Start building

Step 1


Step 2

Funds disbursement

Step 3


Your card program, designed to your needs

Successful card programs require close coordination across a program manager, processor, card network and issuing bank.

Own your program

From card design to customized benefits, you build for your customer profile.

Built for scale

Unlike managed programs, we are built for scale and flexibility.

Create a book transfer

curl '' \
     -XPOST \
     -u :<YOUR API KEY> \
      -d amount="10000" \
      -d currency_code=USD \
      -d sender_bank_account_id="<bank_account_id>" \
      -d receiver_bank_account_id="<bank_account_id>"

Compliance at your pace

Our compliance team is optimized for teams who ship. We will meet your pace and requirements, not the other way around.

Own your economics

You own 100% of interchange. Control your unit economics, and build your business at scale.

The developer-first
card program

We are developers at our core. From settlement to clearing you control the process from our dashboard or API.

Direct integration

Integrate directly to the source. Without middleware providers you have full flexibility and ownership.

Speed of execution

Our relationships across the card ecosystem, from networks to processors, enable you to ship on your timeline.

A program for developers

We are engineers and operators at our core, unlike legacy banks we move at your speed.

Clear a book transfer

curl '<book_transfer_id>/clear' \
    -u :<YOUR API KEY> \
    -d amount="15000" \
    -d currency_code=USD
We know the ecosystem very well and Column provides the speed, flexible account model and API-first approach that no one else can. These aspects are essential to building certain products that power our customers’ growth.
Henrique DubugrasCo-Founder and Co-CEO, Brex

Infrastructure products built for
developers in the lightest format possible

Start building today

Unmatched access to money movement, bank accounts, card networks, and bank capital. You're in the driver's seat to build your own products, on your terms, without layers in between.