Sandbox Simuations

Due to the complexity of international wire transfers, various errors may occur resulting in failed or returned transfers. You can simulate those errors during development in our Sandbox.

Simulate Outgoing Transfer

You can simulate various transfer failures that may occur at different stages of outgoing transfer requests. To trigger a transfer failure, you can set message_to_beneficiary_bank in your request with special values. The following special values are supported:

  • request-invalid: request rejected by the Swift network during validation: invalid BIC, invalid IBAN, etc.
  • request-delivery-failed: request rejected by the Swift network during delivery: Swift system issues, aborted, etc.
  • request-delivery-delayed: request delayed by the Swift network, but it is finally delivered successfully
  • request-returned-by-correspondent-bank: request returned by our correspondent bank due to invalid FX contract, missing required country-specific information, etc.
  • request-returned-by-beneficiary-bank: request returned by the beneficiary bank due to invalid beneficiary data, invalid account numbers, etc. We will deduct USD 10.00 from the transfer amount to simulate return charges by beneficiary or intermediary banks. If transfer amount is less than USD 10.00, no return charge will be deducted.

Any other values for message_to_beneficiary_bank will result in normal settlement flows for outgoing transfers.

curl \
  -XPOST \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY> \
  -d amount=100000 \
  -d currency_code=CNY \
  -d bank_account_id=bacc_xxx \
  -d counterparty_id=cpty_xxx \
  -d description="test transfer failure" \
  -d "remittance_info[general_info]"="Invoice ID 123" \
  -d message_to_beneficiary_bank="request-returned-by-correspondent-bank"

Simulate Incoming Transfers

You can also simulate incoming international wires in our Sandbox.

curl \
  -XPOST \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY> \
  -d destination_account_number_id=acno_xxx \
  -d amount=100000 \
  -d currency_code=CNY