Country-specific Details

For international wire transfers, depending on counterparty countries and the purpose of transfers, you may need to follow certain rules for postal codes, beneficiary account numbers, and provide mandatory details when you create counterparties or transfer requests. Countries not listed on this page do not have special requirements.

Postal Code Validation

CountryPostal Code FormatExample


  • Countries not listed on this page do not have special requirements
  • FI includes: AX
  • FR includes: GF, GP, MQ, NC, PF, PM, RE, WF, and YT
  • GB includes: GG, IM, and JE

Beneficiary Account numbers

Countries With Mandatory IBAN Formats

The following countries require International Bank Account Numbers (IBANs) as the account_number in your counterparties. Our Counterparty Creation API will enforce the format specified below.

CountryIBAN FormatExample
JM^\d{14}12345123456789 (5-digit Branch Code + 9-digit account number)
MX^\d{18}123456789123456789 (CLABE)

The following countries do not or only partially support IBAN, and account numbers of counterparties in these countries can be of any formats. Our Counterparty Creation API will not enforce account number formats for them. However, we highly recommend to follow their formats below as the best practice to avoid delays or returns.

CountryAccount FormatExample
NG^\d{10}1234567890 (NUBAN)

Mandatory Details

Below are country-specific mandatory fields to include when creating a counterparty for an international transfer. This will be enforced by our Counterparty Creation API. Note: These requirements are only enforced for FX transfers. For USD international wires, these requirements are not enforced.

CountryMandatory Fields
BRphone, email, legal_type, legal_id (11-digit CPF for individuals, or 14-digit CNPJ for corporations/NGO/organizations)
CLlegal_id (9-digit RUT tax ID)
COphone, legal_type, legal_id (7-11 digits Cédulas for individuals, or 10-digit NIT for corporations/NGO/organizations)
DOaccount_type, legal_type, legal_id (11-digit Cedula or passport number for individuals, or 7+ digits tax ID or 9+ digits Registro Mercantil for corporations/NGO/organizations)
HNaccount_type, legal_type, legal_id (13-digit Tarjeta de Identidad for individuals, or 14-digit Registro Tributario Nacional for corporations/NGO/organizations)
KZlegal_type, legal_id (12-digit Business Identification Number (BIN) or Individual Identification Number (IIN) )
PElocal_account_number (20-digit Carnet de Extranjeria or foreign registration card number for foreigners living in Peru)
PKlegal_type, legal_id (Should be prepended with the string CNIC, SNIC, Passport, or NTN depending on the type of ID provided. eg. CNIC 1111145561111)
PYlegal_type, legal_id (Cedula de Indentidad for individuals, or RUC for corporations)

Below are country-specific highly recommended fields to include when creating a counterparty for an international transfer. Excluding a highly recommended field may result in payment delays, returns, or other complications.

CountryRecommended Fields
ARemail, legal_id (11-digit CUIL for individuals, or 11-digit CUIT for corporations)
AUlocal_bank_code (6-digit BSB code)
AZlegal_id (10-digit TIN/VOEN), local_bank_code (6-digit BIK code)
BDphone, local_bank_code (9-digit bank routing code)
BYlocal_bank_code (3-9 digits MFO bank code), legal_id (tax ID)
BZlocal_bank_code (5-digit branch code, required only for beneficiaries at Scotiabank: 91595 Belize City, 87965 Be lama, 61275 Coronal, 13235 Orange Walk, 44685 Angria, 01875 San Ignacio, 19075 Belmopan, 18895 Placentia, 39065 Punta Gordo, 39685 Spanish Lookout, or 36715 San Pedro)
CAlocal_bank_code (9-digit Canadian Payments Association Routing Number)
CRlegal_id (9-12 digits Cedula Juridica), local_account_number (17-digit Cuenta Cliente)
INlegal_type, phone, local_bank_code (11-character IFSC codes)
KGlocal_bank_code (6-digit BIK code)
KRphone, legal_type, legal_id (required only for corporations: 10-digit Business Registration Number)
MXlocal_bank_code (Nostro Account Number)
MZlegal_id (9-digit NUIT: Taxpayer Single ID Number)
NZlocal_bank_code (6-digit NZ Clearing Code)
PElegal_type, legal_id (11-digit RUC number for corporations, or 8-digit DNI for individuals)
UAtype, legal_id (10-digit tax ID for individuals, or 8-digit tax ID for corporations/NGO/organizations)
UGlegal_id (13-digit PRN tax ID)
ZMlocal_bank_code (6-digit branch code, required only for Barclays Bank Zambia)

Transfer Purposes and Details

Transfer purposes are highly recommended in order to avoid payment delays or returns. They are even mandotary for some countries. You can specify purpose code in the purpose_code field and any additional information in the remittance_info of your transfer requests.

Remittance Information

The following countries require that payment purpose is specified in the remittance_info field of your transfer request:

AEPayment purpose must be clearly identified
ALFor utility payments: client name, bill month, and contract number of the subscriber
For tax payments: FDP (payment order document generated by Tax Office system)
For fee payments: NIPT (tax ID)
AMPayment purpose must be clearly identified
AZPayment purpose must be clearly identified, especially for charitable purposes to avoid income tax
BAIf the beneficiary belongs to a government organization, Budget Organization Code, Profit Type (6-digit) and Citation Number (municipality, 3-digit) are required
BGFor tax payments: 6-digit payment type defined by the Ministry of Finance and local regulation, and one of the following: BULSTAT (Bulgarian Identification Tax Number, 6-digit for corporations), EGN (Bulgarian citizen ID), PNF (foreign citizen ID), or IZL (name of legal entity or individual)
BRPayment purpose must be clearly identified
BSTransit Number is required if the beneficiary bank is "RBC Bahamas"
BYPayment purpose must be clearly identified
DZFor invoices: reason for the invoice (e.g., invoice for health services)
GY8-digit Transit Code is mandatory (format: TRANSIT CODE: XXXXXXXX). Funds paid to the Guyana Revenue Authority requires a reference (format: YYMMDD/RRRRRRRRRRRR), which can be obtained from the Guyana Revenue Authority.
HNFor payments from corporations/organizations to individuals, include a detailed purpose of payment (especially for salaries).
JOPayment purpose must be clearly identified
KZPayment purpose must be clearly identified
MUPayment purpose must be clearly identified
NP9-digit Permanent Account Number (PAN) is required for (i) payments related to social media content and software development by individuals or corporations or equivalent and (ii) payments related to any consultancy services would apply to individual only.
PKRelationship between remitter and beneficiary must be clearly identified
SAPayment purpose must be clearly identified
ZAFor Tax payments, include unique 19 character Payment Reference Number(PRN) (e.g., /PRN/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Mandatory Purpose Codes

Generally you can use one of the standard purpose codes listed below in your requests. However, the following countries require some mandatory and proprietary codes. These are only strictly required by our API for FX transfers. These requirements are not enforced for USD international wires.

AE3-character Purpose of Payment codes
CNCAP (Capital Account), GDS (Goods Trade), SRV (Service Trade), CAC (Current Account), or FTF (Bank to Bank Funds Transfer)
COClearly identifiable purpose of payment (e.g., goods, services, capital, etc.)
IN5-character Purpose of Payment codes, beginning with "P". The following codes are not supported: P1302, P1303, P1304, P1499, P0099, P0001, P1011, and P1099.
KG8-digit Purpose of Payment codes
KZ10-character EKNP purpose codes
MY5-digit Purpose of Payment
PK4-digit Purpose of Payment

Generally you can use one of the standard purpose codes listed below in your requests. However, the following countries require some recommended and proprietary codes:

BH3-character Purpose of Payment codes
CL5-digit Purpose of Payment codes (Page 7-11)
ID4-digit Purpose of Payment codes
JO4-digit Purpose of Payment codes
KR5-digit Purpose of Payment codes
MM4-digit ITRS (Purpose of Payment) codes
PHPurpose of Payment codes
UA4-character Operation Codes

Standard Purpose Codes

The following purpose codes are defined by the ISO 20022 Standard:

ACCTTransaction moves funds between 2 accounts of same account holder at the same bank.
ADCSPayments for donation, sponsorship, advisory, intellectual and other copyright services.
ADMGTransaction is related to a payment associated with administrative management.
ADVATransaction is an advance payment.
AEMPPayment concerning active employment policy.
AGRTTransaction is related to the agricultural domain.
AIRBTransaction is a payment for air transport related business.
ALLWTransaction is the payment of allowances.
ALMYTransaction is the payment of alimony.
AMEXCard Settlement-Settlement of AMEX transactions.
ANNITransaction settles annuity related to credit, insurance, investments, other.n
ANTSTransaction is a payment for anesthesia services.
ARENTransaction is related to a payment associated with an Account Receivable Entry
AUCOUtilities-Settlement of Authenticated Collections transactions.
B112US mutual fund trailer fee (12b-1) payment
BBSCTransaction is related to a payment made as incentive to encourage parents to have more children
BCDMTransaction is the payment of a domestic bearer cheque.
BCFGTransaction is the payment of a foreign bearer cheque.
BECHTransaction is related to a payment made to assist parent/guardian to maintain child.
BENETransaction is related to a payment to a person who is unemployed/disabled.
BEXPTransaction is related to a payment of business expenses.
BFWDCash collateral related to any securities traded out beyond 3 days which include treasury notes, JGBs and Gilts.
BKDFDelayed draw funding. Certain issuers may utilize delayed draw loans whereby the lender is committed to fund cash
BKFEBank loan fees. Cash activity related to specific bank loan fees, including (a) agent / assignment fees; (b) amendment fees; (c) commitment fees; (d) consent fees; (e) cost of carry fees; (f) delayed compensation fees; (g) facility fees; (h) fronting fees; (i) funding fees; (j) letter of credit assignment fees
BKFMBank loan funding memo. Net cash movement for the loan contract final notification when sent separately from the
BKIPAccrued interest payments. Specific to bank loans.
BKPPPrincipal paydowns. Specific to bank loans
BLDMTransaction is related to a payment associated with building maintenance.
BNETBond Forward pair-off cash net movement
BOCETransaction is related to a payment associated with a Back Office Conversion Entry
BONDSecurities Lending-Settlement of Bond transaction.
BONUTransaction is related to payment of a bonus.
BR12US mutual fund trailer fee (12b-1) rebate payment
BUSBTransaction is a payment for bus transport related business.
CABDSecurities Lending-Settlement of Corporate Actions: Bonds transactions.
CAEQSecurities Lending-Settlement of Corporate Actions: Equities transactions.
CAFITransaction is the payment of custodian account management fee where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide
CASHTransaction is a general cash management instruction.
CBCRCard Settlement-Settlement of Credit Card transactions.
CBFFTransaction is related to capital building fringe fortune, ie capital building in general
CBFRTransaction is related to capital building fringe fortune for retirement
CBLKA Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details.
CBTVTransaction is related to a payment of cable TV bill.
CCHDPayments made by Government institute related to cash compensation, helplessness, disability. These payments are made by the Government institution as a social benefit in addition to regularly paid salary or pension.
CCIRCash Collateral related to a Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap, indicating the exchange of fixed interest payments in one currency for those in another.
CCPCCash Collateral associated with an ISDA or Central Clearing Agreement that is covering the initial margin requirements for OTC trades clearing through a CCP.
CCPMCash Collateral associated with an ISDA or Central Clearing Agreement that is covering the variation margin requirements for OTC trades clearing through a CCP.
CCRDTransaction is related to a payment of credit card account.
CCSMCCP Segregated initial margin: Initial margin on OTC Derivatives cleared through a CCP that requires segregation
CDBLTransaction is related to a payment of credit card bill.
CDCBPurchase of Goods and Services with additional Cash disbursement at the POI (Cashback)
CDCDATM Cash Withdrawal in an unattended or Cash Advance in an attended environment (POI or bank counter)
CDCSATM Cash Withdrawal in an unattended or Cash Advance in an attended environment (POI or bank counter) with surcharging.
CDDPA combined service which enables the card acceptor to perform an authorisation for a temporary amount and a completion for the final amount within a limited time frame. Deferred Payment is only available in the unattended environment.
CDEPPayment related to a credit default event
CDOCA service which allows the card acceptor to effect a credit to a cardholder' account. Unlike a Merchant Refund, an Original Credit is not preceded by a card payment. This service is used for example for crediting winnings from gaming.
CDQCPurchase of Goods which are equivalent to cash like coupons in casinos.
CFDITransaction is the payment of capital falling due where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide
CFEETransaction is related to a payment of cancellation fee.
CGDDTransaction is related to a direct debit where the mandate was generated by using data from a payment card at the point of sale.
CHARTransaction is a payment for charity reasons.
CLPRTransaction is a payment of car loan principal payment.
CMDTTransaction is payment of commodities.
COLLTransaction is a collection of funds initiated via a credit transfer or direct debit.
COMCTransaction is related to a payment of commercial credit or debit. (formerly CommercialCredit)
COMMTransaction is payment of commission.
COMPTransaction is related to the payment of a compensation relating to interest loss/value date adjustment and can include fees.
COMTTransaction is a payment used by a third party who can collect funds to pay on behalf of consumers, ie credit counseling or bill payment companies.
CORTTransaction is related to settlement of a trade, e.g. a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction.
COSTTransaction is related to payment of costs.
CPENCash penalties related to securities transaction, including CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime.
CPKCTransaction is related to carpark charges.
CPYRTransaction is payment of copyright.
CRDSCash collateral related to trading of credit default swap.
CRPRCash collateral related to a combination of various types of trades.
CRSPCash collateral related to cash lending/borrowing; letter of Credit; signing of master agreement.
CRTLCash collateral related to opening of a credit line before trading.
CSDBTransaction is related to cash disbursement.
CSLPTransaction is a payment by a company to a bank for financing social loans to employees.
CVCFTransaction is a payment for convalescence care facility services.
DBCRCard Settlement-Settlement of Debit Card transactions.
DBTCCollection of funds initiated via a debit transfer.
DCRDTransaction is related to a debit card payment.
DEPTTransaction is releted to a payment of deposit.
DERITransaction is related to a derivatives transaction
DICLCard Settlement-Settlement of Diners transactions.
DIVDTransaction is payment of dividends.
DMEQTransaction is a payment is for use of durable medical equipment.
DNTSTransaction is a payment for dental services.
DSMTTransaction is the payment of a disbursement due to a specific type of printed order for a payment of a specified sum, issued by a bank or a post office
DVPMCode used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming deliver against payment instruction.
ECPGE-Commerce payment with payment guarantee of the issuing bank.
ECPRE-Commerce payment return.
ECPUE-Commerce payment without payment guarantee of the issuing bank.
EDUCTransaction is related to a payment of study/tuition fees.
EFTCUtilities-Settlement of Low value Credit transactions.
EFTDUtilities-Settlement of Low value Debit transactions.
ELECTransaction is related to a payment of electricity bill.
ENRGTransaction is related to a utility operation.
EPAYTransaction is related to ePayment.
EQPTCash collateral related to trading of equity option (Also known as stock options).
EQTSSecurities Lending-Settlement of Equities transactions.
EQUSCash collateral related to equity swap trades where the return of an equity is exchanged for either a fixed or a floating rate of interest.
ESTXTransaction is related to a payment of estate tax.
ETUPTransaction is related to a Service that is first reserving money from a card account and then is loading an e-purse application by this amount.
EXPTCash collateral related to trading of an exotic option for example a non-standard option.
EXTDCash collateral related to trading of exchanged traded derivatives in general (Opposite to Over the Counter (OTC)).
FACTPayment related to a factor update
FANDFinancial aid by State authorities for abolition of consequences of natural disasters.
FCOLA Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties.
FCPMTransaction is the payment for late fees & charges. E.g Credit card charges
FEESPayment of fees/charges.
FERBTransaction is a payment for ferry related business.
FIXICash collateral related to a fixed income instrument
FLCRCard Settlement-Settlement of Fleet transactions.
FNETCash associated with a netting of futures payments. Refer to CCPM codeword for netting of initial and variation margin through a CCP
FORWFX trades with a value date in the future.
FREXTransaction is related to a foreign exchange operation.
FUTRCash related to futures trading activity.
FWBCCash collateral payment against a Master Forward Agreement (MFA) where the cash is held in a segregated account and is not available for use by the client. Includes any instruments with a forward settling date such TBAs, repurchase agreements and bond forwards
FWCCCash collateral payment against a Master Forward Agreement (MFA) where the cash is owned and may be used by the client when returned. Includes any instruments with a forward settling date such TBAs, repurchase agreements and bond forwards
FWLVTransaction is related to a payment of Foreign Worker Levy
FWSBAny cash payment related to the collateral for a Master Agreement forward, which is segregated, and not available for use by the client. Example master agreement forwards include TBA, repo and Bond Forwards.
FWSCAny cash payment related to the collateral for a Master agreement forward, which is owned by the client and is available for use by the client when it is returned to them from the segregated account. Example master agreement forwards include TBA, repo and Bond Forwards.
FXNTFX netting if cash is moved by separate wire instead of within the closing FX instruction
GAFASalary and Benefits-Allowance from government to support family.
GAHOSalary and Benefits-Allowance from government to individuals to support payments of housing.
GAMBGeneral-Payments towards a purchase or winnings received from gambling, betting or other wagering activities.
GASBTransaction is related to a payment of gas bill.
GDDSTransaction is related to purchase and sale of goods.
GDSVTransaction is related to purchase and sale of goods and services.
GFRPCompensation to unemployed persons during insolvency procedures.
GIFTPayment with no commercial or statutory purpose.
GOVITransaction is related to a payment of government insurance.
GOVTTransaction is a payment to or from a government department.
GSCBTransaction is related to purchase and sale of goods and services with cash back.
GSTXTransaction is the payment of Goods & Services Tax
GVEATransaction is payment to category A Austrian government employees.
GVEBTransaction is payment to category B Austrian government employees.
GVECTransaction is payment to category C Austrian government employees.
GVEDTransaction is payment to category D Austrian government employees.
GWLTPayment to victims of war violence and to disabled soldiers.
HEDGTransaction is related to a hedging operation.
HLRPTransaction is related to a payment of property loan.
HLSTTransaction is related to the settlement of a property loan.
HLTCTransaction is a payment for home health care services.
HLTITransaction is a payment of health insurance.
HRECTransaction is a contribution by an employer to the housing expenditures (purchase, construction, renovation) of the employees within a tax free fringe benefit system
HSPCTransaction is a payment for hospital care services.
HSTXTransaction is related to a payment of housing tax.
ICCPTransaction is reimbursement of credit card payment.
ICRFTransaction is a payment for intermediate care facility services.
IDCPTransaction is reimbursement of debit card payment.
IHRPTransaction is payment for an installment/hire-purchase agreement.
INPCTransaction is a payment of car insurance premium.
INPRTransaction is related to an insurance premium refund.
INSCTransaction is related to the payment of an insurance claim.
INSMTransaction is related to a payment of an installment.
INSUTransaction is payment of an insurance premium.
INTCTransaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group.
INTETransaction is payment of interest.
INTPTransaction is a payment between two accounts belonging to the same party (intra-party payment), where party is a natural person (identified by a private ID, not organisation ID).
INTXTransaction is related to a payment of income tax.
INVSTransaction is for the payment of mutual funds, investment products and shares
IPAYTransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately.
IPCATransaction in which the Return of the amount is fully returned.
IPDOTransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately, done for donations, with sending the address data of the payer.
IPEATransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately, done in E-commerce, without sending the address data of the payer.
IPECTransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately, done in E-commerce, with sending the address data of the payer.
IPEWTransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately, done in E-commerce.
IPPSTransaction in which the amount is available to the payee immediately, done at POS.
IPRTTransaction in which the Return of the amount is fully or partially returned.
IPU2Transaction is made via an unattending vending machine by using 2-factor-authentication.
IPUWTransaction is made via an unattending vending machine without using 2-factor-authentication.
IVPTTransaction is the payment for invoices.
LBINNet payment related to a buy-in. When an investment manager is bought in on a sell trade that fails due to a failed securities lending recall, the IM may seize the underlying collateral to pay for the buy-in. Any difference between the value of the collateral and the sell proceeds would be paid or received under this code
LBRITransaction is a payment of labor insurance.
LCOLFree movement of cash collateral. Cash collateral paid by the borrower is done separately from the delivery of the shares at loan opening or return of collateral done separately from return of the loaned security. Note: common when the currency of the security is different from the currency of the cash collateral.
LFEEFee payments, other than rebates, for securities lending. Includes (a) exclusive fees; (b) transaction fees; (c)
LICFTransaction is payment of a license fee.
LIFITransaction is a payment of life insurance.
LIMABank initiated account transfer to support zero target balance management, pooling or sweeping.
LMEQCash collateral payments resulting from the marked-to-market of a portfolio of loaned equity securities
LMFICash collateral payments resulting from the marked-to-market of a portfolio of loaned fixed income securities
LMRKCash collateral payments resulting from the marked-to-market of a portfolio of loaned securities where the instrument
LOANTransaction is related to transfer of loan to borrower.
LOARTransaction is related to repayment of loan to lender.
LOTTGeneral-Payment towards a purchase or winnings received from lottery activities.
LREBSecurities lending rebate payments
LREVRevenue payments made by the lending agent to the client
LSFLPayments made by a borrower to a lending agent to satisfy claims made by the investment manager related to sell fails from late loan recall deliveries
LTCFTransaction is a payment for long-term care facility services.
MAFCTransaction is contribution to medical aid fund.
MARFTransaction is related to a medical aid refund.
MARGDaily margin on listed derivatives – not segregated as collateral associated with an FCM agreement. Examples
MBSBMBS Broker Owned Segregated (40Act/Dodd Frank) Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for a Mortgage Back Security, which is segregated, and not available for use by the client.
MBSCMBS Client Owned Cash Segregated (40Act/Dodd Frank) Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for a Mortgage Back Security, which is owned by the client and is available for use by the client when it is returned to them from the segregated account
MCDMTransaction is the payment of a domestic multi-currency cheque
MCFGTransaction is the payment of a foreign multi-currency cheque
MDCSTransaction is a payment for medical care services.
MGCCInitial futures margin. Where such payment is owned by the client and is available for use by them on return
MGSCMargin Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for initial futures margin, which is owned by the client and is available for use by the client when it is returned to them from the segregated account.
MOMASecurities Lending-settlement of Money Market PCH.
MP2BA service which enables a user to use an app on its mobile to pay a merchant or other business payees by initiating a payment message. Within this context, the account information or an alias of the payee might be transported through different channels to the app, for example QR Code, NFC, Bluetooth, other Networks.
MP2PA service which enables a user to use an app on its mobile to initiate moving funds from his/her bank account to another person's bank account while not using the account number but an alias information like an MSISDN as account addressing information in his/her app.
MSVCTransaction is related to a payment for multiple service types.
MTUPA Service that is first reserving money from a card account and then is loading a prepaid mobile phone amount by this amount.
NETTTransaction is related to a netting operation.
NITXTransaction is related to a payment of net income tax.
NOWSTransaction is related to a payment for type of services not specified elsewhere.
NWCHTransaction is related to a payment of network charges.
NWCMTransaction is related to a payment of network communication.
OCCCClient owned collateral identified as eligible for OCC pledging
OCDMTransaction is the payment of a domestic order cheque
OCFGTransaction is the payment of a foreign order cheque
OFEETransaction is related to a payment of opening fee.
OPBCCash collateral payment for OTC options associated with an FCM agreement. Where such payment is segregated and not available for use by the client
OPCCCash collateral payment for OTC options associated with an FCM agreement. Where such payment is not segregated and is available for use by the client upon return
OPSBOption Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for an OTC option, which is segregated, and not available for use by the client.
OPSCOption Client Owned Cash Segregated Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for an OTC option, which is owned by the client and is available for use by the client when it is returned to them from the segregated account
OPTNCash collateral related to trading of option on Foreign Exchange.
OTCDCash collateral related to Over-the-counter (OTC) Derivatives in general for example contracts which are traded and privately negotiated.
OTHROther payment purpose.
OTLCTransaction is related to a payment of other telecom related bill.
PADDTransaction is related to a pre-authorized debit origination
PAYRTransaction is related to the payment of payroll.
PCOMFinal payment to complete the purchase of a property.
PDEPPayment of the deposit required towards purchase of a property.
PEFCTransaction is contribution to pension fund.
PENOPayment based on enforcement orders except those arising from judicial alimony decrees.
PENSTransaction is the payment of pension.
PHONTransaction is related to a payment of telephone bill.
PLDSPayment of funds from a lender as part of the issuance of a property loan.
PLRFTransfer or extension of a property financing arrangement to a new deal or loan provider, without change of ownership of property.
POPETransaction is related to a payment associated with a Point of Purchase Entry.
PPTITransaction is a payment of property insurance.
PRCPTransaction is related to a payment of a price.
PRMETransaction is related to a precious metal operation.
PTSPTransaction is related to payment terms specifications
PTXPTransaction is related to a payment of property tax.
RAPIInstant Payments-Settlement of Rapid Payment Instruction (RPI) transactions.
RCKETransaction is related to a payment associated with a re-presented check entry
RCPTTransaction is related to a payment of receipt.
RDTXTransaction is related to a payment of road tax.
REBTTransaction is the payment of a rebate.
REFUTransaction is the payment of a refund.
RELGTransaction is for general rental/lease.
RENTTransaction is the payment of rent.
REODTransaction is for account overdraft repayment
REPOCash collateral related to a repurchase agreement transaction.
RHBSBenefit for the duration of occupational rehabilitation.
RIMBTransaction is related to a reimbursement of a previous erroneous transaction.
RINPTransaction is related to a payment of a recurring installment made at regular intervals.
RLWYTransaction is a payment for railway transport related business.
ROYATransaction is the payment of royalties.
RPBCBi-lateral repo broker owned collateral associated with a repo master agreement – GMRA or MRA Master Repo
RPCCRepo client owned collateral associated with a repo master agreement – GMRA or MRA Master Repo Agreements
RPNTBi-lateral repo interest net/bulk payment at rollover/pair-off or other closing scenarios where applicable
RPSBBi-lateral repo broker owned segregated cash collateral associated with a repo master agreement
RPSCRepo client owned segregated collateral associated with a repo master agreement
RRBNCash payment resulting from a Round Robin
RRCTTransaction is related to a reimbursement for commercial reasons of a correctly received credit transfer.
RRTPTransaction is related to a Request to Pay.
RVPMCode used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming receive against payment instruction.
RVPOCash collateral related to a reverse repurchase agreement transaction.
SALATransaction is the payment of salaries.
SASWCard Settlement-Settlement of ATM transactions.
SAVGTransfer to savings/retirement account.
SBSCCash collateral related to a Securities Buy Sell Sell Buy Back
SCIECash collateral related to Exotic single currency interest rate swap.
SCIRCash collateral related to Single Currency Interest Rate Swap.
SCRPCash collateral related to Combination of securities-related exposure types.
SCVETransaction is related to purchase and sale of services.
SECUTransaction is the payment of securities.
SEPITransaction is the payment of a purchase of securities where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide
SERVTransaction is related to service charges charged by a service provider.
SHBCShort Sale broker owned collateral associated with a prime broker agreement
SHCCShort Sale client owned collateral associated with a prime brokerage agreement
SHSLCash Collateral related to a Short Sell
SLEBCash collateral related to Securities lending and borrowing.
SLOACash collateral related to a Secured loan.
SLPITransaction is payment of a well formatted payment slip.
SPLTSplit payments. To be used when cash and security movements for a security trade settlement are instructed
SPSPSalary or pension payment for more months in one amount or a delayed payment of salaries or pensions.
SSBETransaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals.
STDYTransaction is related to a payment of study/tuition costs.
SUBSTransaction is related to a payment of information or entertainment services either in printed or electronic form.
SUPPTransaction is related to a payment to a supplier.
SWBCCash collateral payment for swaps associated with an ISDA agreement. . Where such payment is segregated and
SWCCCash collateral payment for swaps associated with an ISDA agreement. Where such payment is not segregated and
SWFPFinal payments for a swap contract
SWPPPartial payment for a swap contract
SWPTCash collateral related to an option on interest rate swap.
SWRSReset payment for a swap contract
SWSBSwaps Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for Swap margin ,
SWSCSwaps Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral - Any cash payment related to the collateral for Swap margin,
SWUFUpfront payment for a swap contract
TAXRTransaction is the refund of a tax payment or obligation.
TAXSTransaction is the payment of taxes.
TBANTBA pair-off cash wire net movement
TBASCash collateral related to a To Be Announced (TBA)
TBBCCash collateral payment (segregated) for TBA securities associated with a TBA Master Agreement. Where such payment is segregated and not available for use by the client.
TBCCCash collateral payment (for use by client)for TBA securities associated with a TBA Master Agreement. Where such payment is not segregated and is available for use by the client upon return.
TBILTransaction is related to a payment of telecommunications related bill.
TCSCTransaction is related to a payment associated with charges levied by a town council.
TELITransaction is related to a payment initiated via telephone.
TLRFAny non-US mutual fund trailer fee (retrocession) payment (use ISIN to determine onshore versus offshore designation)
TLRRAny non-US mutual fund trailer fee (retrocession) rebate payment (use ISIN to determine onshore versus offshore designation)
TMPGCash payment resulting from a TMPG Claim
TPRITri-Party Repo related interest
TPRPTri-party Repo related net gain/loss cash movement
TRADTransaction is related to a trade services operation.
TRCPCash collateral related to a combination of treasury-related exposure types.
TREATransaction is related to treasury operations.
TRFDTransaction is related to a payment of a trust fund.
TRNCTransaction is payment of a beneficiary prefilled payment slip where beneficiary to payer information is truncated.
TRPTTransaction is for the payment to top-up pre-paid card and electronic road pricing for the purpose of transportation
TRVCTransaction is the payment of a travellers cheque
UBILTransaction is for the payment to common utility provider that provide gas, water and/or electricity.
UNITTransaction is purchase of Unit Trust
VATXTransaction is the payment of value added tax.
VIEWTransaction is a payment for vision care services.
WEBITransaction is related to a payment initiated via internet.
WHLDTransaction is related to a payment of withholding tax.
WTERTransaction is related to a payment of water bill.