Roles & Permissions

Roles & Permissions, now available in the Column Dashboard.


Each user will be assigned one role, and each role has a predefined set of permissions assigned to it. Users who are members of more than one platform will have separate roles for each platform. Additionally, all permissions function identically across live and sandbox modes.

Platform owners are users that first created a platform and invited users to it. These platform owners can only hold the role of Admin.


Admins manage platform users, settings, and info. Full access to money movement and other enabled features. Can reset device authenticator for other users.


Developers manage platform API keys and webhooks. Full access to money movement and other enabled features. Developers cannot edit platform users, info, or settings.

Money Movers

Money Movers have full access to money movement and other enabled features. Money Movers cannot view platform users, info, settings, API keys, or webhooks.


Viewers can create reports, and view/export data. Viewers cannot view platform users, info, settings, API keys, or webhooks, and cannot move money.


Roles are comprised of a series of permissions applied to various features and functions of the Column dashboard. All permission levels fall into one of three categories:

  • ✅ Manage access — View, create, edit, and delete access
  • 👁️ View access — View access only
  • ❌ No access — No access

Using Transfers as an example, with manage access users can create new transfers, issue stop paments, etc. but with view access users can only view transfer data and cannot move money or stop payments.

AdminDeveloperMoney MoverViewer
Platform Info
Platform Settings
User Management
API Keys

Assigning and changing roles


Changing a role

Dashboard Admins can make changes to a user's role by navigating to Platform > Settings viewing the list of users, and using the associated dropdown to make the desired change.

Assigning a role

When inviting new users to a platform, a role must be assigned to each user before the invitation can be sent.