
Column provides two kinds of settlement reports: bank_account_transaction and bank_account_summary. All settlement reports are available in CSV, JSON, and Parquet formats.

Bank Account Transaction Report

bank_account_transaction settlement reports contain all transactions (e.g., book/ACH/wire transfers, loan payments/disbursements, etc.) that affected balances of bank accounts in given reporting periods, including available_balance, pending_balance, locked_balance and holding_balance. Each row is a transaction with its details.

effective_atEffective time of transaction in the reporting time zone (format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)string
effective_at_utcEffective time of transaction in UTC (format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z)string
bank_account_idID of the bank account involvedstring
bank_account_typeType of the bank account involvedstring
account_number_idID of the account number involvedstring
entity_idPrimary account owner IDstring
entity_namePrimary account owner namestring
entity_typePrimary account owner typestring
transaction_idID of the transactionstring
transaction_typeWebhook event type for this transactionstring
currencyTransaction currencystring
available_amountChanges of available_balance in cents (negative for debit)int64
available_balanceavailable_balance in cents after this transactionint64
pending_amountChanges of pending_balance in cents (negative for debit)int64
pending_balancepending_balance in cents after this transactionint64
locked_amountChanges of locked_balance in cents (negative for debit)int64
locked_balancelocked_balance in cents after this transactionint64
holding_amountChanges of holding_balance in cents (negative for debit)int64
holding_balanceholding_balance in cents after this transactionint64

Bank Account Summary Report

bank_account_summary settlement reports contain snapshots of all bank accounts (including bank accounts without any transaction) under your platform by the end of the reporting periods. Each row is a bank account summary. If a bank account has multiple account numbers, they will be aggregated and only one row will be shown in summary reports.

bank_account_idID of the bank accountstring
bank_account_typeType of the bank accountstring
bank_account_statusStatus of the account numberstring
entity_idPrimary account owner IDstring
entity_namePrimary account owner namestring
entity_typePrimary account owner typestring
transaction_countNumber of all transactions in the reporting periodint32
currencyTransaction currencystring
available_balance_openOpen available_balance in cents at the beginning of the reporting periodint64
available_balance_creditTotal credit amount in cents to available_balance during the reporting periodint64
available_balance_debitTotal debit amount in cents to available_balance during the reporting periodint64
available_balance_closeClose available_balance in cents at the end of the reporting periodint64
pending_balance_openOpen pending_balance in cents at the beginning of the reporting periodint64
pending_balance_creditTotal credit amount in cents to pending_balance during the reporting periodint64
pending_balance_debitTotal debit amount in cents to pending_balance during the reporting periodint64
pending_balance_closeClose pending_balance in cents at the end of the reporting periodint64
locked_balance_openOpen locked_balance in cents at the beginning of the reporting periodint64
locked_balance_creditTotal credit amount in cents to locked_balance during the reporting periodint64
locked_balance_debitTotal debit amount in cents to locked_balance during the reporting periodint64
locked_balance_closeClose locked_balance in cents at the end of the reporting periodint64
holding_balance_openOpen holding_balance in cents at the beginning of the reporting periodint64
holding_balance_creditTotal credit amount in cents to holding_balance during the reporting periodint64
holding_balance_debitTotal debit amount in cents to holding_balance during the reporting periodint64
holding_balance_closeClose holding_balance in cents at the end of the reporting periodint64

Bank Account Summary History

Daily summary history of bank accounts are also available via Bank Account Summary History API.


To generate daily or on-demand settlement reports, you must configurate the reporting time zone of your platform in Platform Settings on Dashboard. Column will use your reporting time zone to decide the day boundaries of your settlement reports.

For example, if your reporting time zone is UTC, daily settlement reports for 2022-04-12 will include all transactions between 2022-04-12 00:00:00 (inclusive) and 2022-04-13 00:00:00 (exclusive). However, if your reporting time zone is America/Los_Angeles, it will include all transactions between 2022-04-12 07:00:00 (inclusive) and 2022-04-13 07:00:00 (exclusive).

If you update the reporting time zone of your platform to a different value, it will be applied to new daily or on-demand settlement reports. History settlement reports will not be re-generated. You can use our Schedule Settlement Report API to re-generate history settlement reports using the new reporting time zone.

Daily Settlement Reports

If you have configurated the reporting time zone of your platform, Column will automatically generate daily bank_account_transaction and bank_account_summary reports after the midnight of your reporting time zone every day.

On-demand Settlement Reports

You can use our Schedule Settlement Report API to submit requests to generate settlement reports of your preferred date ranges. Column will process your requests and generate reports once all data required by your reports are ready. For example, if you schedule a report from 2022-04-01 to 2022-04-30, it will not be generated until the beginning of 2022-05-01.

The earliest available date for settlement reports is 2022-01-01, and the maximum date range for on-demand settlement reports is 93 days. If a report with the same type, time zone, and date range has already been scheduled before, we will return the existing report instead of schedule it again.

When you schedule an on-demand report for a date range, daily reports in the given date range will be automatically scheduled if they are missing.

Download Settlement Reports

You can use our Document API to get the download URL of a settlement report using the document ID of a report format.

Webhook Events

You will receive webhook events when settlement reports are scheduled, completed successfully, or failed to generate. Event payloads are Settlement Report Object.

Webhook EventDescription
reporting.bank_account_summary.scheduledSuccessfully scheduled a bank_account_summary report
reporting.bank_account_summary.completedSuccessfully generated a bank_account_summary report
reporting.bank_account_summary.failedFailed to generate a bank_account_summary report
reporting.bank_account_transaction.scheduledSuccessfully scheduled a bank_account_transaction report
reporting.bank_account_transaction.completedSuccessfully generated a bank_account_transaction report
reporting.bank_account_transaction.failedFailed to generate a bank_account_transaction report