Pivot Interest Rate Object

The pivot interest rate object represents the pivot interest rate (i.e., EFFR) on your platform. While there may be multiple pivot interest rate objects with different effective dates in your platform, only one rate will be effective for any given date (read more).

object parameters

The timestamp at which the pivot interest rate object was created.

The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which the pivot interest rate will become effective.

The ID of the pivot interest rate object.

The idempotency key specified in the pivot interest rate.

The product type of the pivot interest rate. Currently only bank_account is supported.

The rate of the pivot interest rate object (e.g., "0.045" means 4.50%).

The timestamp at which the pivot interest rate object was last updated.

Pivot Interest Rate object

  "id": "ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "effective_date": "2024-05-01",
  "rate": "0.05"

Create pivot interest rate



Create a pivot interest rate for your platform (read more).

body parameters


The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which this pivot interest rate will become effective.


The product type of the pivot interest rate. Currently only bank_account is supported.


The rate (as a decimal) of the pivot interest rate object.

e.g. 4.50% would be represented by "0.045"


curl https://api.column.com/interests/pivot-rates \
-u :<YOUR API KEY> \
-H 'Idempotency-Key: 2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9' \
-d product_type="bank_account" \
-d effective_date="2024-08-01" \
-d rate="0.045"


  "id": "ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "effective_date": "2024-08-01",
  "rate": "0.045"

Get pivot interest rate



Retrieve a single pivot interest rate by its ID.

path parameters


ID of the pivot interest rate you are looking up.


curl 'https://api.column.com/interests/pivot-rates/ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA' \


  "id": "ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "effective_date": "2024-08-01",
  "rate": "0.045"

Update pivot interest rate



Update a pivot interest rate before 4:00pm PST on its effective date (read more).

path parameters


ID of the pivot interest rate you are updating.

body parameters


The new rate (as a decimal) of the pivot interest rate object.

e.g. 5.00% would be represented by "0.05"


curl https://api.column.com/interests/pivot-rates/ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA \
-u :<YOUR API KEY> \
-d rate="0.05"


  "id": "ipvt_2hhDrRs5zX1udYxA2wb7SQHoMjA",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T16:40:13Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-11T16:55:13Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "effective_date": "2024-08-01",
  "rate": "0.05"

List pivot interest rates



Retrieve multiple pivot interest rates.

query parameters


A limit of the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100. The default is 10.


A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, ending with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo, your subsequent call can include starting_after=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo in order to fetch the next page of the list.


A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, starting with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo=, your subsequent call can include ending_before=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo= in order to fetch the previous page of the list.


Return pivot rates with effective dates greater than this date.


Return pivot rates with effective dates greater than or equal to this date.


Return pivot rates with effective dates less than this date.


Return pivot rates with effective dates less than or equal to this date.


Return pivot rates with the given product type. Currently only bank_account is supported.


curl https://api.column.com/interests/pivot-rates \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY>


  "rates": [
      "id": "ipvt_2hhQaz740ak0IAhOPwCUUIQc09y",
      "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:24:56Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:24:56Z",
      "idempotency_key": null,
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "effective_date": "2024-04-04",
      "rate": "0.05"
      "id": "ipvt_2hhQb1XKo9JI8sVHoYcFV6M5zFM",
      "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:24:56Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:24:56Z",
      "idempotency_key": null,
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "effective_date": "2024-04-02",
      "rate": "0.045"
  "has_more": false

Interest Config object

The interest config object contains the parameter details for interest accruals (read more).

object parameters

The accrual method of the current effective config snapshot. Possible values: actual_360, actual_365, and actual_actual.

The maximum value of the effective interest rate of the current effective config snapshot. (4.50% would be represented as "0.045", read more).

The timestamp when this interest config object was created.

The description of this interest config object.

The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which the current config snapshot is effective.

The minimum value of the effective interest rate of the current effective config snapshot. (0.50% would be represented as "0.005", read more).

List of interest config snapshots in descending order of their effective dates. History is only populated if this interest config is queried with expand=history.

The accrual method by which an account will accrue interest. Possible values: actual_360, actual_365, and actual_actual.

The maximum value of the effective interest rate (4.50% would be represented by "0.045", read more).

The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which this interest config will become effective.

The minimum value of the effective interest rate (0.50% would be represented by "0.005", read more).

Interest config tiers in ascending order of their thresholds.

This tier uses a fixed interest rate (e.g., "0.045" means 4.50%, only zero or positive rates are allowed).

This tier uses a percentage of the pivot rate (e.g., "0.85" means 85% of the pivot rate, only zero or positive percentages are allowed).

This tier uses a premium or discount to the pivot rate (e.g., "-0.015" means pivot rate minus 1.50%).

The threshold of this tier in the smallest unit of the account currency (e.g, 100,000 in USD would be represented as "10000000").

The ID of this interest config object.

The idempotency key specified in the interest config.

Indicates if a waterfall approach should be applied to calculate tier-based interest (read more).

The pivot interest rate is used for the given accrual_date query parameter or today. Only populated if this interest config is queried with expand=pivot_rate.

The product type of the interest config. Currently only bank_account is supported.

Interest config tiers of the current effective config snapshot in ascending order of their thresholds.

This tier uses a fixed interest rate (e.g., "0.045" means 4.50%, only zero or positive rates are allowed).

This tier uses a percentage of the pivot rate (e.g., "0.85" means 85% of the pivot rate, only zero or positive percentages are allowed).

This tier uses a premium or discount to the pivot rate (e.g., "-0.015" means pivot rate minus 1.50%).

The threshold of this tier in the smallest unit of the account currency (e.g, 100,000 in USD would be represented as "10000000").

The timestamp at which this interest config object was last updated.

Interest Config object

  "id": "icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhTneEf86fC3gmFnoeTKRLzp40",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "description": "interest rate tiers v2",
  "accrual_method": "actual_360",
  "effective_date": "2999-10-10",
  "ceiling_rate": "0.045",
  "floor_rate": "0.003",
  "is_not_waterfall": false,
  "tiers": [
      "threshold": "0",
      "fixed_rate": "0.035",
      "pivot_percentage": null,
      "pivot_relative": null
  "pivot_rate": {
    "id": "ipvt_2hhTncq0m3I55LA0bIwGvxs4uVT",
    "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
    "idempotency_key": null,
    "product_type": "bank_account",
    "effective_date": "2024-04-23",
    "rate": "0.045"
  "history": [
      "accrual_method": "actual_365",
      "effective_date": "3001-09-09",
      "ceiling_rate": "0.055",
      "floor_rate": null,
      "is_not_waterfall": true,
      "tiers": [
          "threshold": "0",
          "fixed_rate": "0.045",
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": null
          "threshold": "1000000",
          "fixed_rate": null,
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": "-0.01"
          "threshold": "20000000",
          "fixed_rate": null,
          "pivot_percentage": "0.01",
          "pivot_relative": null
      "accrual_method": "actual_actual",
      "effective_date": "3000-08-08",
      "ceiling_rate": null,
      "floor_rate": null,
      "is_not_waterfall": false,
      "tiers": [
          "threshold": "0",
          "fixed_rate": "0.045",
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": null
      "accrual_method": "actual_360",
      "effective_date": "2999-10-10",
      "ceiling_rate": "0.045",
      "floor_rate": "0.003",
      "is_not_waterfall": false,
      "tiers": [
          "threshold": "0",
          "fixed_rate": "0.035",
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": null

Create interest config



Create an interest configuration for your platform (read more).

body parameters


The accrual method by which an account will accrue interest. Possible values: actual_360, actual_365, and actual_actual.


The maximum value of the effective interest rate (4.50% would be represented by "0.045", read more).


The description of this interest config object.


The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which this interest config will become effective. You must create a config and apply it to an account before 4:00pm PsT of the effective date for Column to accrue interest.


The minimum value of the effective interest rate (0.50% would be represented by "0.005", read more).


Indicates if a waterfall approach should be applied to calculate tier-based interest (read more).


The product type of the pivot interest rate. Currently only bank_account is supported.


Interest config tiers. For each tier, exactly one of the following: fixed_rate, pivot_percentage or pivot_relative may be populated. Tier thresholds must be different and there must be a tier with a $0 threshold.


This tier uses a fixed interest rate (e.g., "0.045" means 4.50%, only zero or positive rates are allowed).


This tier uses a percentage of the pivot rate (e.g., "0.85" means 85% of the pivot rate, only zero or positive percentages are allowed).


This tier uses a premium or discount to the pivot rate (e.g., "-0.015" means pivot rate minus 1.50%).


The threshold of this tier in the smallest unit of the account currency (e.g, 100,000 in USD would be represented as "10000000").


curl https://api.column.com/interests/configs \
-u :<YOUR API KEY> \
-H 'Idempotency-Key: 2hhDrMprA7uCip7ZnSbsC3pwRA9' \
--data-raw '{
    "product_type": "bank_account",
    "description": "interest rate tiers v1",
    "accrual_method": "actual_365",
    "effective_date": "2024-07-01",
    "ceiling_rate": "0.045",
    "floor_rate": "0.003",
    "tiers": [
        "threshold": "0",
        "fixed_rate": "0.035"


  "id": "icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhTneEf86fC3gmFnoeTKRLzp40",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "description": "interest rate tiers v1",
  "accrual_method": "actual_365",
  "effective_date": "2024-07-01",
  "ceiling_rate": "0.045",
  "floor_rate": "0.003",
  "is_not_waterfall": false,
  "tiers": [
      "threshold": "0",
      "fixed_rate": "0.035",
      "pivot_percentage": null,
      "pivot_relative": null
  "pivot_rate": null,
  "history": null

Get interest config



Retrieve a single interest config by its ID

path parameters


ID of the interest config you are looking up.

query parameters


If specified, returns the effective config snapshot for the given accrual date. Else, the effective config snapshot for today will be returned.


List of fields to be expanded (format: expand=field_1&expand=field_2&expand=field_3).

  • history: return all config history for this interest config
  • pivot_rate: return the pivot interest rate details used for the given accrual_date or today


curl 'https://api.column.com/interests/configs/icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I' \


  "id": "icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhTneEf86fC3gmFnoeTKRLzp40",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "description": "interest rate tiers v1",
  "accrual_method": "actual_365",
  "effective_date": "2024-07-01",
  "ceiling_rate": "0.045",
  "floor_rate": "0.003",
  "is_not_waterfall": false,
  "tiers": [
      "threshold": "0",
      "fixed_rate": "0.035",
      "pivot_percentage": null,
      "pivot_relative": null
  "pivot_rate": null,
  "history": null

Update interest config



Update an interest config (read more).

path parameters


ID of the interest config you are updating.

body parameters


The accrual method by which an account will accrue interest. Possible values: actual_360, actual_365, and actual_actual.


The maximum value of effective interest rate ("0.045" means 4.50%, read more).


The description of this interest config object.


The date in Pacific Time Zone (inclusive) on which this interest config will become effective. You must create a config and apply it to an account before 4:00pm PST of the effective date for Column to accrue interest.


The minimum value of the effective interest rate (0.50% would be represented by "0.005", read more).


Indicates if a waterfall approach should be applied to calculate tier-based interest (read more).


Interest config tiers. For each tier, exactly one of the following: fixed_rate, pivot_percentage or pivot_relative may be populated. Tier thresholds must be different and there must be a tier with a $0 threshold.


This tier uses a fixed interest rate (e.g., "0.045" means 4.50%, only zero or positive rates are allowed).


This tier uses a percentage of the pivot rate (e.g., "0.85" means 85% of the pivot rate, only zero or positive percentages are allowed).


This tier uses a premium or discount to the pivot rate (e.g., "-0.015" means pivot rate minus 1.50%).


The threshold of this tier in the smallest unit of the account currency (e.g, 100,000 in USD would be represented as "10000000").


curl https://api.column.com/interests/configs/icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I \
-u :<YOUR API KEY> \
-d effective_date="2024-07-01"
-d ceiling_rate="0.05"


  "id": "icfg_2hhTnhPKKuw0XOPTsN9pOPksy4I",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T18:51:18Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-11T18:51:18Z",
  "idempotency_key": "2hhTneEf86fC3gmFnoeTKRLzp40",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "description": "interest rate tiers v1",
  "accrual_method": "actual_365",
  "effective_date": "2024-07-01",
  "ceiling_rate": "0.05",
  "floor_rate": "0.003",
  "is_not_waterfall": false,
  "tiers": [
      "threshold": "0",
      "fixed_rate": "0.035",
      "pivot_percentage": null,
      "pivot_relative": null
  "pivot_rate": null,
  "history": null

List interest configs



Retrieve multiple interest configs on your platform.

query parameters


A limit of the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100. The default is 10.


A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, ending with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo, your subsequent call can include starting_after=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo in order to fetch the next page of the list.


A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, starting with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo=, your subsequent call can include ending_before=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo= in order to fetch the previous page of the list.


Return results where the specified time field is greater than this value.


Return results where the specified time field is greater than or equal to this value.


Return results where the specified time field is less than this value.


Return results where the specified time field is less than or equal to this value.


Return the platform default interest config by setting this to true.


Return interest configs with the given product type. Currently only bank_account is supported.


curl https://api.column.com/interests/configs \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY>


  "configs": [
      "id": "icfg_2hhwZBcw5bvM5mKOKSZPjY3rbiD",
      "created_at": "2024-06-10T22:47:50Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-06-10T22:47:50Z",
      "idempotency_key": null,
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "description": "test interest config",
      "accrual_method": "actual_365",
      "effective_date": "2024-07-01",
      "ceiling_rate": null,
      "floor_rate": null,
      "is_not_waterfall": false,
      "tiers": [
          "threshold": "0",
          "fixed_rate": "0.045",
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": null
      "pivot_rate": null,
      "history": null
      "id": "icfg_2hhwZ96YLbcEMGNtzlKWpjA8Bh9",
      "created_at": "2024-06-10T22:47:50Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-06-10T22:47:50Z",
      "idempotency_key": null,
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "description": "test interest config",
      "accrual_method": "actual_365",
      "effective_date": "2024-08-01",
      "ceiling_rate": null,
      "floor_rate": null,
      "is_not_waterfall": false,
      "tiers": [
          "threshold": "0",
          "fixed_rate": "0.045",
          "pivot_percentage": null,
          "pivot_relative": null
      "pivot_rate": null,
      "history": null
  "has_more": false

Interest Payout Object

The Interest Payout object contains interest payout details (read more).

object parameters

Amount in the smallest unit of currency_code (e.g., cents in USD) that has been credited to or debited from a product_id.

Currency of amount. The three-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217 (e.g. USD).

The timestamp at which the interest payout object was created.

The description of the interest payout object.

The ID of the interest payout object.

The last accrued date of interest included in the interest payout. For monthly payouts, it is the last day of the previous month.

ID of the product to which interest is paid out. This will be your customers' bank account IDs for interest your platform pays out to them or your interest revenue account ID for the interest spread your platform receives from Column (read more).

The product type of the interest config. Currently only bank_account is supported.

ID of the related interest-bearing product on which interest has been accrued. For interest your platform pays out to your customers' accounts, this field will be empty. For interest spread your platform receives from Column, this field will be your customers' bank account IDs (read more).

Type of the payout. Possible values: credit if interest has been credited to product_id, and debit if interest has been debited from product_id (read more).

The timestamp at which the interest payout object was last updated.

Interest Payout object

  "id": "ipay_2hhxgFC8szBJJco5UG72lA03JgC",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "type": "debit",
  "product_id": "bacc_2hhxgCsER0q1KM7vIU9XWfpAdFI",
  "related_product_id": "bacc_2hhxgKOjZ1oW5S8EYV4sc6CWdO3",
  "last_accrued_date": "2024-04-30",
  "amount": 97500,
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "description": "interests from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30"

Get interest payout



Retrieve a single interest payout by its ID.

path parameters


ID of the interest payout you are looking up.


curl 'https://api.column.com/interests/payouts/ipay_2hhxgFC8szBJJco5UG72lA03JgC' \


  "id": "ipay_2hhxgFC8szBJJco5UG72lA03JgC",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "type": "debit",
  "product_id": "bacc_2hhxgCsER0q1KM7vIU9XWfpAdFI",
  "related_product_id": "bacc_2hhxgKOjZ1oW5S8EYV4sc6CWdO3",
  "last_accrued_date": "2024-04-30",
  "amount": 97500,
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "description": "interests from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30"

List interest payouts



Retrieve multiple interest payouts of your platform.

query parameters


A limit of the number of objects to be returned, between 1 and 100. The default is 10.


A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, ending with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo, your subsequent call can include starting_after=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo in order to fetch the next page of the list.


A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 20 objects, starting with foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo=, your subsequent call can include ending_before=foo_ZXhhbXBsZQo= in order to fetch the previous page of the list.


Return results where the specified time field is greater than this value.


Return results where the specified time field is greater than or equal to this value.


Return results where the specified time field is less than this value.


Return results where the specified time field is less than or equal to this value.


Return interest payouts with product_id as the given value.


Return interest payouts with related_product_id as the given value.


Return interest payouts with type as the given value.


Return interest payouts with last_accrued_date as the given value.


curl https://api.column.com/interests/payouts \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY>


  "payouts": [
      "id": "ipay_2hi55JBKkrKAf5KrefwoBCBaroA",
      "created_at": "2024-05-01T23:57:52Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-05-01T23:57:52Z",
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "type": "credit",
      "product_id": "bacc_2hi55L9WWlh8y8Sg8qgrwkeCfm6",
      "related_product_id": "",
      "last_accrued_date": "2024-04-30",
      "amount": 12300,
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "description": "interests from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30"
      "id": "ipay_2hi55DWw18zEils3xiw43Ltp9Sb",
      "created_at": "2024-05-01T23:57:52Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-05-01T23:57:52Z",
      "product_type": "bank_account",
      "type": "debit",
      "product_id": "bacc_2hi55G0QuOs7zv3JupoPucGc2ka",
      "related_product_id": "bacc_2hi5YEvzhgpQjnWfpjDH6kcmE5z",
      "last_accrued_date": "2024-04-30",
      "amount": 45600,
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "description": "interests from 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30"
  "has_more": false

Simulate an interest payout



Simulates an interest payout to the given interest bearing product.

body parameters


Amount in the smallest unit of currency_code (e.g., cents in USD) that will be credited to (amount is positive) or debited from (amount is negative) product_id. Maximum amount is USD 100.00.


Currency of amount. The three-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217 (e.g. USD).


ID of the interest bearing product (e.g., bank account).


curl 'https://api.column.com/interests/payouts' \
  -XPOST \
  -u :<YOUR API KEY> \
  -d product_id="bacc_2hhxgCsER0q1KM7vIU9XWfpAdFI" \
  -d amount="-97500" \
  -d currency_code="USD"


  "id": "ipay_2hhxgFC8szBJJco5UG72lA03JgC",
  "created_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-10T22:57:00Z",
  "product_type": "bank_account",
  "type": "debit",
  "product_id": "bacc_2hhxgCsER0q1KM7vIU9XWfpAdFI",
  "related_product_id": null,
  "last_accrued_date": "2024-06-10",
  "amount": 97500,
  "currency_code": "USD",
  "description": "simulated interests payout"